No Nukes,
Plutonium is Forever.
Type: Book Design, Editorial Design
Year: 2016
Size: 4 ¼ x 7 ¼ inches
10 copies, 192 pages
Inkjet printing, softcover
Plutonium is Forever.
Type: Book Design, Editorial Design
Year: 2016
Size: 4 ¼ x 7 ¼ inches
10 copies, 192 pages
Inkjet printing, softcover
Edited and designed the book No Nukes, Plutonium is Forever, inspired by the student movements of the 1960s, anti-nuclear songs and films from the early 1980s, and various grassroots protests. These historical events and cultural phenomena prompted a deep reflection on power, social change, and the human condition. The book samples, integrates, and curates these powerful historical moments, highlighting the strength of resistance while honoring history and contemplating the future.
编辑与设计了「No Nukes, Plutonium is Forever」一书,灵感来源于上世纪六十年代的学生运动、八十年代初期的反核歌曲与电影,以及各类民间抗议运动。这些历史事件和文化现象引发了对权力、社会变革和人类境遇的深刻思考。书中采样、整合并呈现了那些激动人心的历史时刻,旨在展示反抗精神的力量,并表达对历史的敬畏与对未来的思考。
编辑与设计了「No Nukes, Plutonium is Forever」一书,灵感来源于上世纪六十年代的学生运动、八十年代初期的反核歌曲与电影,以及各类民间抗议运动。这些历史事件和文化现象引发了对权力、社会变革和人类境遇的深刻思考。书中采样、整合并呈现了那些激动人心的历史时刻,旨在展示反抗精神的力量,并表达对历史的敬畏与对未来的思考。